At Alltrust, we consider ourselves individual fingerprints that, when connected, create a strong helping hand for your organization. Whether you need a hand to guide you, support you, or cheer you on, we are committed to serving you as your employee benefits partner. With these 10 Principles guiding our conduct, character, and customer service, you can trust that we are all in.

Do what's right for the client every time. Put your client first. Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their a little more. Take the next step to solve the problem. Stay hungry. Don't ever allow yourself to get out-thought or out-worked.

Deliver legendary service. Do the little things, as well as the big things, that blow people away. Create extraordinary experiences they'll tell others about. This includes working as quickly as possible, without sacrificing quality, and responding rapidly to clients.

Be humble. Don't let your ego or personal agenda get in the way of doing what's best for the team and for your client. See challenges as opportunities to be curious, teach yourself new lessons, and grow as a person and partner. You're never too old, too smart or too successful to learn.

Listen to understand. Give people your undivided attention. Look people in the eye and limit distractions. Listening generously is one of the best way to communicate respect. It also helps you walk in your client's shoes. The better you understand them, the more effectively you can anticipate and meet their needs.

Be true to your word. It's called integrity. Do what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it. This includes being on time for all phone calls, appointments, meetings, and promises. Earn trust through consistently honoring your commitments.

Remember you represent something bigger. Act in a way that makes us proud. This applies not only to clients but centers of influence, insurance carriers, and the community at large. Volunteer. Tip well. Say thank you.

Stay positive. Don't take things personally or take yourself too seriously. Have fun. Laugh every day. Celebrate, acknowledge, and appreciate others.

Show people you care. Always remember that we're a family at Alltrust. Whether it's a kind word during a tough stretch or a friendly smile each morning, show your compassion. This philosophy also applies to our customers. Nobody cares how much we know until they know how much we care.

Embrace change. In today's economy, change is the only constant. Get outside your comfort zone, rather than stubbornly hanging onto old ways of doing things. Be excited about possibilities that change brings. Adapt. Lead our clients forward.

Shine a light when it's dark. The nature of our work puts us in direct contact with people when they are at their lowest points - in many cases they or their family members are sick and dealing with money. When things seem dark, it is your responsibility to shine a light. See these stressful situations as opportunities, and do what it takes to amaze your customers.